
Why Play Chess !

By Vishaal on Thursday, August 09, 2007 with 0 comments

Chess is a game for people of all ages. You can learn to play chess at any age and unlike in other sports you need never retire. The age is not a factor which prevents you from playing with any opponent. You can play players of any level - against those who are better or equal or weaker. Chess is for those people who have an interest in learning and tactics.

Chess Improves your Memory

The theory of the chess is complicated and many players memorize long variants of the openings of various games. Also you get to train your mind to visually recall the various positions in each game, developing your mind.

Chess increases your concentration

During the game you have to have a concrete objective in gaining valuable pieces of your rival, to give checkmate and to overcome your opponent and use all your mental potential in obtaining it.

Chess develops your logical thought

Chess requires some understanding that expresses ideas chained together to form a strategy. For example, you will have to know what is important to exchange which pieces first at the beginning of the game, that you must have the king out of danger throughout the game or knowledge to avoid weaknesses in your position or to anticipate to commit serious errors and with it, like in the real life, to consider that you must learn from your errors to get the best opportunity.

Chess develops your imagination and creativity
Chess creates novel and inventive positions which help to always improve your game to the next level: Thousands of combinations exist that have not yet been played.

Chess teaches to you to be independent

You are forced to make important decisions using your own judgment. You and you yourself is the only person that decides each move and that teaches to you to create your own criterion.

Chess develops the capacity in you to predict and to project the future consequences of your present actions

It teaches to you to explore all the possibilities to discover hidden it, which can have the best effect after plays and then you learn to project a plan with a future idea.

Chess inspires personal motivation

It impels you to look for the best possibility , the best plan, the most beautiful continuation between innumerable possibilities. It stokes the permanent objective of success to ignite the flame of the victory.

Chess shows you that success is a just reward for intense hard work

The more you practice and you study, the more improvements you yield. You would have to be prepared to lose and to learn of your errors.

One of the greatest teachers,and student of chess, GM Jose Capablanca, of Cuba, said: “It is necessary to lose hundreds of games, before becoming a great player. you learn more from the lost games than what you gain from the winning ones.”

Chess and Science

Chess develops scientific thought. In the game you generate numerous variants in your mind. You explore and you investigate new ideas, you try to anticipate what will happen and you gain surprising revelations. You decide on hypothesis and make your play, and then you prove its validity.

Chess and Mathematics

You do not need to be a genius to include/understand this. Chess has an infinite number of calculations in an attack or a defense in a simple interchange of plays. You calculate with your own head and without a machine . It makes your mind agile and helps you improve your math.

Category: Articles , Chess



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