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The King is in check when he is attacked by the opponent's piece or pawn. His capture is not allowed. The Player making check must say "check" when he is attacking the opponent's King; however this is not done in proper tournaments. If your King is in check, you must get out of check on the next move. There are three ways for you to do this:
1. Move the King to a safe square.
2. Move one of your pieces in the way of the check by blocking.
3. Capture the attacking piece
Since the object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's King, the game is lost if you cannot stop the check by blocking, capturing the attacking piece or moving the King to a safe square. The "check" then turns into a checkmate.
This means the King is dead. When the King is checked and cannot move out of check, then he is checkmate and the game is over.
Category: Chess , Chess Rules
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