
How to groom your chess prodigy?

By Vishaal on Monday, April 06, 2009 with 0 comments

Scientific evidence has shown proved that there is a genetic basis for genius, but, at the same time the child requires a proper environment so that talent does not dissipate. Hence genetics as well as environment play a mutually inclusive role in the development of a child prodigy.

The problem with most parents is that they wish to fulfil their unfulfilled desires through their children. The child is brought up in a so called ' Hot house' environment, in which, he achieves the task of being a huge success in his field , but is unable to cope up with the social aspects of success. This leads to a falling of ways and the child may become a lost cause.

Western countries have special classes for children with higher IQ levels. However, in India just as there is no specific training capsule for slow learners, there is no such concept in place for precocious children.

Spectacular achievements by peers could mount pressure on non-prodigious children but parents need to understand the limitations of their children as each home can’t have a prodigy. Each child is different if not special and ought to be treated so. Mozart was a child prodigy, Bach wasn’t but he wasn’t any the lesser for it.
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